Send Lettre Recommandée via the internet

recrdd_poste2106A USEFUL thing to remember when sending any letters or papers to government departments is to send them by recorded delivery.

And thanks to the internet you can do this from the comfort of your own home via the La Poste website.

After signing up to the service that takes a few minutes it is possible to send letters and other documents through the site.

Staff at La Poste print off a copy of the letter for example, and then ensures it is delivered to the address you have entered.

The service accepts over 200 different text and image types, including Word and .pdfs.

It is a very useful tool as you have a record of contact with government or council departments should you need to prove it in the future.

Of course the service is a little more expensive so you will have to pay more than if you went off to the post office yourself.

Further down the line La Poste hope to have a completely online service that will see the letter being sent electronically and not even be seen by postal staff.

Visit the la Lettre Recommandée Electronique de La Poste website.

By Craig McGinty

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