End of green car insurance sticker

FROM 1 April, 2024, the small green vehicle insurance sticker you place in your windscreen is no longer obiligatory.

From this date evidence of your insurance will be obtained by comparing your vehicle registration to the fichier des véhicules assurés to check that you are covered.

You can make your own check via the website, if you have your carte grise to hand just enter the required details.

It brings to an end the requirement to display the small green ticket that came with the larger carte verte following a new insurance plan, or renewal.

Uninsured vehicles

The French authorities hope that it will make it easier to track down uninsured vehicles, which it is estimated total around 680,000 vehicles.

For new insurance agreements, companies will supply a Mémo Véhicule Assuré to prove that your vehicle is insured and covers you for the time that it takes to update the national database.

The plan to bring an end to the requirement to display your insurance cover was announced by finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, some months ago but its introduction on 1 April has allowed insurance firms to prepare for the move to a completely digital system.

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Categorised as Travel

By Craig McGinty

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