Test your knowledge of all things France

Speak the Culture FranceJUST how good is your knowledge of France, both covering events from the present day to looking back over the past?

Well have a go at the questions posed by author Andrew Whittaker, who compiled the book Speak the Culture: France, to see how much you really know.

This month’s quiz questions take in a bit of sport, the arts and cinema as well as a test of your knowledge of recent events which made the news.

Speak the Culture: France Quiz Questions for July

Q. Which fashionista has angered locals by buying up dozens of buildings in the Provencal village of Lacoste, once home to the Marquis de Sade.

Q. What art form is celebrated at the famous Les Rencontres d’Arles?

Q. This year’s Tour de France only crosses the French border into one other country? Which country is it?

Q. Whose forthcoming folk/pop album has raised hackles with the lyrics: “You are my drug. More lethal than heroin from Afghanistan, and more dangerous than Colombian cocaine”?

Q. They were recently declared extinct by the magazine Le Point, but what is (or was) a Bobo?

Q. What was unique about the playing style of Django Reinhardt, jazz guitar hero of the Quintette du Hot Club de France in the 1930s?

Q. Who, sitting in the Café de Flore, concluded “man is condemned to be free”?

Q. Whose own mother referred to her son, an author, as a “petit con (little git)” and a “parasite” in a recently released memoir?

Q. Which region of France leads the way in celebrating the arrival of choucroute nouvelle (fermented cabbage) each autumn?

Q. Who starred in Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulin, the most successful French film of 2001?

Below is a .pdf that you can print off and take away with you, which you could hand out at a get-together or similar event.

Download speak-the-culture-quiz0708 (.pdf)

By Craig McGinty

Thank you for reading This French Life, join me in living life the French way.