A TIGHTENING of the rules on burning garden waste has been introduced by the Dordogne préfecture, with the risk of a heavy fine hanging over transgressors.
The new rules bring a complete ban on the burning of garden waste between 1 March and 30 September.
In the past restrictions could be introduced due to the fear of forest fires, but now the ban not only covers this risk but also is an attempt to cut down on air pollution.
The burning of any other type of household waste is banned completely, and while it is possible to burn some garden waste in the winter months, you will still need to request permission through your local mairie three days in advance.
The authorities are suggesting that people let garden waste compost naturally, or take it along to their local waste tip, or dechetterie, for it to be dealt with there.
If you do decide to burn garden waste on your property illegally then you face a fine of 450 euros.