EDF’s English language helpline

Desk lamp bulb and wall light
Electricity supply in France

IF you need to contact EDF (Électricité de France) fortunately there is an English language helpline to answer your questions and offer advice on the service.

The service can help if you have questions about your energy consumption, if you want to change the power of your service, provide a meter reading or are in the process of moving house.

The number +33 (0)9 69 36 63 83 is available for people throughout France, and is open from Monday to Friday, 8h to 18h.

It is the price of a local call when in France, but you may face additional charges if calling from overseas.

There is also an email address you can send enquiries to: simpleenergywithedf@edf.fr

A postal address is also available: EDF Service Clients, TSA 21941, 62978 ARRAS CEDEX

Naturally there is a French language helpline, that is 3004 and is a free call number open from Monday to Saturday between 8h and 20h.

If you are happy to use the EDF website and have set up an online account then you can contact customer service through this, as well as get advice and billing information.

Emergency telephone numbers

A key thing to remember is that should you require emergency assistance then you need to go through ENEDIS for electricity or GRDF for gas emergencies.

ENEDIS electricity emergency number: 09 726 750 XX
(with the XX replaced by the number of your département so, for example, 24 if you live in the Dordogne).

GRDF gas emergency number: 0 800 47 33 33

Edf website featuring garden cooking
Edf website

Moving house with EDF

If you are moving house and need to sign up to an electricity or gas contract at the new property, then EDF asks that you have certain information to hand.

Moving in date

If you have a date for moving in then you can contact EDF from between six weeks and seven days before moving in, which should mean you reduce the risk of being cut off from any services.

PDL and PCE readings

For your new address you will need the PDL and PCE numbers, but what are these?

They are the identification numbers found on the electricity and gas meters installed in the property.

The PDL number corresponds to the electricity meter and the PCE is for the gas meter.

Each number is composed of 14 digits and can usually be found on the bill of the previous occupier, so either ask for it directly or make sure estate agent is able to get hold of a copy.

Meter reading

Again your estate agent, or immobilier, should be able to provide you with the most recent reading or make sure it is on you list of questions to ask.

Property details

You will be asked to provide some information about the new property you are planning to move into, covering issues such as how it is heated, your hot water and cooking equipment, as well as the size in square metres of your home.

You might also want to consider rubbish collection at your new property, and also consider the cost of living, I take a look at that in the Dordogne.

Bank details

To set up bank details to pay for your electricity or gas bills you will need to provide a RIB.

Categorised as Property

By Craig McGinty

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