IF you need to end an internet contract or maybe write a letter of complaint about a service, then more than 100 letter templates are available on the Institut national de la consommation website.
The letters will help you resolve disputes and are grouped by topics such as insurance, banking, internet and money, they are free to use and come in plain text so you can copy and paste it directly into a new document.
You can narrow your search down via a simple pull down list at the top of the page, and you may need your dictionary to hand to work out a few phrases, but with a little work you can soon work things out if your French language skills are stretched.
Types of letter for complaints
Then for letters on your chosen subject, slide the page a little further down and you will see Format and then an option to choose Lettres Type, click this and a list of letter templates will let you click on an individual one and work from there.
The letters are written in formal French respecting the ‘vous’ format, so that your complaint is clearly explained in a polite and respectful manner, with the closing paragraph also ensuring your letter comes to an end in the correct manner.
Each letter provides an explanation of how it can be used, then you need to update name and date fields and it is usually wise to send correspondence by registered post, or lettre recommandée.
It is also possible to buy and print off your own stamps via the La Poste website.