Dordogne chasse set to open in September

THE Dordogne chasse will open on 10 September, 2023, and run until 29 February, 2024, as published on the préfecture website.

However, the hunting of sanglier will continue until 31 March, 2024.

Details of the hunting season in other areas of France are available online.

There are currently just over 16,000 hunters registered with the Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs de la Dordogne (FDC 24).

These numbers are down on previous years with 25,000 registered in 2010 and 20,000 in 2017.

FDC 24 say that fewer people living in the countryside means not as many people are joining them, as well as many older members no longer joining the chasse each week.

The FDC 24 has also outlined its plan de chasse which notes the number of sanglier, deer and stag it aims to hunt for the season 2023/24.

The target figures are 18,259 to 24,000 sanglier, 17,250 to 18,850 deer and 2,990 to 3,760 stag for the forthcoming winter season.

These numbers are similar to last year which aimed to hunt 18,700 to 24,300 sanglier, 17,500 to 18,850 deer and 2,880 to 3,710 stag.

The figures are reached with the assistance of national bodies and aim to strike a balance between protecting the agricultural and forestry sector from damage, and the overall number of wild animals in the département.

In comparison to other areas of France, the Dordogne has one of the most extensive plan de chasse, with some départements not producing any projections.

By Craig McGinty

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