Quiz questions about France

Academie FrancaiseIF you think your knowledge of all things France is good, well it is time to check it out with questions posed by author Andrew Whittaker.

He has put together ten questions that cover recent events, but also a challenging selection of brain teasers testing your knowledge of literature, music, photography and cinema.

The list of questions are below, alongside a .pdf that you can print off and take away with you, which you could hand out at a get-together or similar event.

Speak the Culture: France Quiz Questions for August

Q. What’s the name of the Dany Boon movie that, in April 2008, became the most successful French film of all time?

Q. What have Parisians been using roughly 120,000 times a day, for an average of 22 minutes at a time, since their introduction last year?

Q. Which French duo recorded the album Moon Safari in 1998, selling over two million copies worldwide?

Q. Which Hollywood couple chose a maternity clinic in Nice for the recent birth of their twins?

Q. Who is Patrick Poivre d’Arvor (or PPDA as he’s also known) and what did he give up recently after 21 years?

Speak the Culture FranceQ. Which poet, author of Les Fleurs du Mal, riddled with syphilis, died from a massive stroke, aged 36, in 1867?

Q. Who is Mark Cavendish and what did he do, twice, in France in early July?

Q. What has become known as the ‘Zambelli Affair’?

Q. Who do the French refer to as the ‘father of photojournalism’?

Q. By what term are the 40 sitting members of the Académie Française, the body charged with protecting the French language, also known?

Download speak-the-culture-quiz0808 (.pdf).

By Craig McGinty

Thank you for reading This French Life, join me in living life the French way.


  1. Aaargh! I was doing quite well, despite my senile dementia, when I downloaded the .pdf to scribble on and couldn’t avoid seeing the (unexpected) answers! How about a health warning – or write the answers in Ch’ti?

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