Ten quiz question on France

Van GoghHAVE a break for five minutes and see how good your knowledge of French life really is.

Quiz master Andrew Whittaker has compiled another selection of questions featuring recent news headlines, but also a challenge or two of you knowledge of French cinema and tradition.

The list of questions are below, alongside a .pdf that you can print off and take away with you, and feel free to hand them out at a get-together or similar event.

Speak the Culture: France Quiz Questions for September

Q. Why did the small northern French town of Hautmont make the news in August?

Q. Who was the most famous inhabitant of the Saint Paul de Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy, Provence?

Q. Jeannie Longo, aged 49, took part in her seventh Olympic games this month, finishing fourth in one event. What sport does she compete in?

Q. Gerard Depardieu and Emmanuelle Beart starred in which 1986 remake of a Marcel Pagnol film?

Q. Why is Coteaux du Tricastin, a vineyard in the south west of France, thinking about changing its name?

Speak the Culture FranceQ. Why was veteran Charlie Hebdo columnist Maurice Sinet sacked recently?

Q. What do villagers in Espelette, close to the Spanish border in the Pays Basque, hang out to dry on the front of their houses in autumn?

Q. Which novelist and short story writer wrote Bel-Ami in 1885?

Q. What French luxury good, dating to 1893 and now the oldest known example, was recently found in a sideboard in a Scottish castle?

Q. When vandals attacked a cathedral in Metz recently, they shattered a stained glass window by which artist?

Download speak-the-culture-quiz0908 (.pdf).

By Craig McGinty

Thank you for reading This French Life, join me in living life the French way.


  1. A good quiz, but question 4 is incorrect. Gerard Dépardieu did not feature in Manon des Sources, having been killed off in the first film Jean de Florette. Emmanuel Béart certainly starred in Manon des Sources, but not in the earlier film.

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