Review of Je t’aime à La Folie, by Michael Wright

WELCOME back to the French life of Daily Telegraph columnist Michael Wright in his latest book, Je t’aime à La Folie.

After his first book, C’est La Folie, which told us of Michael’s move to France, this time we are taken further into his local village community and how he looks to put down some roots.

All the regular characters are in the book, his always helpful neighbours, the foraging chickens and rastafarian sheep.

But there is one character missing from Richard’s life and that is someone to share the rest of his life with, as well as the taste of his first home grown potato.

Michael-wrightDespite the best efforts of some of his friends to help in his search, as well as the occasional wild goose chase undertaken by himself, Michael is keen not to appear too ‘desperate’ in his search.

A strong element running through the book is that even after a move to deepest, darkest France, the desire to fulfil many of his dreams burns strong within Michael.

One of the strongest is to fly in a Spitfire, and so you learn of the methods and tactics he uses to try and get closer to the cockpit.

Michael brings plenty of comic touches to this title, as he did in C’est La Folie, with his sharp observations of the people around him creating some entertaining pen portraits.

But was he successful in his search for love, well I’m not going to say, but there are sure to be one or two ‘little people’ who make an appearance in future titles if Michael continues writing.

You can find out more about Je t’aime a La Folie by Michael Wright on Amazon, and if you go on to buy a copy then I earn a small commission, which helps oil the cogs of This French Life.

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By Craig McGinty

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