Mon Espace Santé lets you manage health data

Health information, tablets and bandages
Health information, tablets and bandages

THE online health service, Mon Espace Santé, provides a digital locker that lets you store and share your medical documents such as x-rays and prescriptions.

Mon Espace Santé has been developed by l’Assurance Maladie and the Ministère de la Santé to provide a secure, online space where people can mange and be in control of their health data.

Once registered you can provide as much or as little information as you wish, but the idea behind the site is to enable medical professionals to access your medical records seamlessly.

But you are in control of what medical records they can access as they must have your permission, however, if you are in an accident and unconscious then details can be accessed by medical staff.

Although if you have blocked access to certain documents previously then staff won’t be able to read these.

This service may sound similar to the Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) system that some people may have registered with, but this is set to be closed and the information will be moved over to the Mon Espace Santé online space.

Exchange of health details

Mon Espace Santé information exchange
Mon Espace Santé information exchange

One of the key features of the service is that it will be easier to contact and stay in touch with GPs and other health professionals via an online calendar and a clear timescale of health care events.

When information is accessed it is recorded within your account, letting you see who has read over your information and what they have read, you will be notified via email the first time your doctor wants to connect and access your information.

Insurance companies, businesses and employers will not be able to access your information and it would be illegal if they did.

People with younger children can also connect their own accounts with those of their children, ensuring you are in touch with their health issues and medication.

Categorised as Health

By Craig McGinty

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